Lovely Cats (cats)

27 teams scored 1380 points on this task, for a maximum score of 100, an average score of 51 and a median score of 25.


  1. Galileo Galilei, Trento is the institute with the most points (225).
  2. Friuli-Venezia Giulia is the region with the most points (345).


Edoardo has finally built the new OIS building and he is ready to have a grand opening with a party. Being a lover of cats, Edoardo foresees that the small talk among his friends will revolve entirely on how cute these pets are. He sees an opportunity: knowing that not everyone loves cats in the same manner, he might pair friends with different opinions on the subject so that who loves them most can try to persuade the other person. This is not going to be easy. Edoardo, with a pragmatic approach, makes his friends line up along two lines: the left one with N_m male friends and the right one with N_f female friends. Then, he asks each one to express with a grade between 0 and 100 how much they love cats (M_i and F_i represent, respectively, the vote of the i-th male and of the i-th female in their lines)...