Secret Meeting (teleport2)

81 teams scored 4480 points on this task, for a maximum score of 100, an average score of 55 and a median score of 35.


  1. Liceo Scientifico N. Copernico, Udine is the institute with the most points (200).
  2. Lombardia is the region with the most points (850).


Everyone knows that in Bugland rooms are an infinite plane surface in which each point is described by two coordinates (x, y): in particular, two bugs A and B are now waiting at coordinates (X_a, Y_a) and (X_b, Y_b). It is well known that in Bugland beds are perfect circles, described by the coordinates of their center and their radius: in particular, in the mentioned room there is a single bed with center C = (X_c, Y_c) and radius R. A and B want to have a secret meeting to plan the invasion of the room: thus, they need to move as silent as possible, according to any trajectory, and gather this way to a common meeting point (X_m, Y_m) (not necessarily of integer coordinates). Walking on the floor one unit makes 1 NU (Noise Unit): for example, walking from (1, 1) to (3, 1) makes 2 NU, and walking from (1, 1) to (3, 2) makes โˆš5 NU. On the other hand, walking on the bed is completely silent. Help the two bugs A and B meet, using a path allowing the sum of their NUs to be minimal.