Tax Fraud Detection (fraud)

23 teams scored 800 points on this task, for a maximum score of 65, an average score of 35 and a median score of 35.


  1. ITT G. Chilesotti, Thiene is the institute with the most points (65).
  2. Lombardia is the region with the most points (150).


Edoardo has been hired by the Inland Revenue Agency with the task of detecting fraudulent tax forms. After months of thorough analysis, he has finally found a measure of fraudulence! You are given a tax form, represented as an array of N elements V_i for i= 0 … N-1. The fraudulence of the sub-array [V_i, … V_j] (for 0 < i < j < N-1) is defined as the product of the frequency of the rarest element (the smallest number of times an element appears in the sub-array) with the frequency of the most common element (the highest number of times an element appears in the sub-array). For example, [ 1,3,2,3,1,2,3 ] has fraudulence 6 = 2 × 3 since the rarest elements (1 and 2) appear twice, while the most common element (3) appears 3 times. Compute the maximum fraudulence for a sub-array of the given array!