Una Lacrima Sul Visto (visa)

11 teams scored 267 points on this task, for a maximum score of 76, an average score of 24 and a median score of 10.


  1. IS G. Marconi, Conegliano is the institute with the most points (76).
  2. Veneto is the region with the most points (96).


Giorgio has recently engaged with a foreign girl he matched online, and is about time to meet her in person! However, due to the pandemic, travelling around the globe is much more difficult than usual. The world is composed of N countries, numbered from 0 to N-1. In order to enter any country, even as a stop during a trip, it is mandatory to obtain a visa. In order to get the visa of country i, you need to pay V_i euros to convince them of your good intentions (and health). Every country i contains embassies of K_i other countries E_ij for j = 0 … K_i - 1, where you can buy the corresponding visas. Furthermore, every country i has direct connections with L_i other countries C_ij for j = 0 … L_i - 1, each with a travel cost of T_ij euros. The set of embassies and that of directly connected countries do not need to match in any particular way: there may be no embassy for a neighbouring country, as well as there may be embassies for countries that are not directly connected...