Pronounceable Words (words)

15 teams scored 690 points on this task, for a maximum score of 100, an average score of 46 and a median score of 40.


  1. Liceo Scientifico N. Copernico, Udine is the institute with the most points (110).
  2. Lombardia is the region with the most points (180).


William loves words. Today he is trying to come up with "pronounceable" words. What is a pronounceable word? Well, clearly "hello" is a pronounceable word, while "tqwukjt" is not. William defines a word as pronounceable if every one of its 3-character substrings is an acceptable trigram. In the example above, the "wuk" substring could be reasonably pronounced so it's indeed an acceptable trigram, "qwu" is a bit ugly but it could still pass, but then what about "tqw" and "kjt"? They are just too weird to say! To make things easy, William collected a list of all the K acceptable trigrams. With the hard part out of the way, now comes the easy stuff: generating the pronounceable words. William is asking for your help. He left a note where he detailed how he wants you to write a program that reads in the known trigrams and two numbers N and L, and then performs the following operations: (1) Calculate a list of all the pronounceable words that are exactly L-characters long...