A Day in Olbia (aliga)

17 teams scored 576 points on this task, for a maximum score of 48, an average score of 34 and a median score of 32.


  1. Banfi, Vimercate is the institute with the most points (80).
  2. Lombardia is the region with the most points (208).


In the last months, Alessandro and Carlo became tired of working day and night for IIOT rounds and decided to ditch the Final Round and go on a trip to Olbia. As they enjoyed their time on the stunning beaches of Sardinia, they stumbled upon a large heap of aliga means rubbish in Sardinian dialect.: that eyesore could only have been the doing of Valerio, a native Sicilian, who is actively trying to lure tourists from Sardinia to his homeland. Alessandro and Carlo would love to mind their own business, yet driven by a sense of duty (and certainly not by the smell of all that aliga), they agreed that Valerio has to be stopped! The aliga is placed in a very distinctive way: every bag is marked with labels from 0 to N-1 and the rubbish bags' arrangement forms a tree with N nodes (where the edges are the trails Valerio left as he placed the bags). Despite his role as a villain, Valerio remains a man of honor...