Problem Setting (problemsetting)

64 teams scored 2646 points on this task, for a maximum score of 100, an average score of 41 and a median score of 19.


  1. Pascal - Comandini, Cesena is the institute with the most points (121).
  2. Lombardia is the region with the most points (663).


The organizing committee of an unspecified programming contest (UPC) is planning to hold many rounds this year, each round consisting of N problems of varying difficulties. The problems in a round are numbered from 1 to N. As such, there have been a lot of problem proposals. Each problem proposal has a difficulty rating, which is either (1) an integer i (1 < i < N) -- meaning that this problem is appropriate as problem i in a round; or (2) a value in the form i.5 for some integer i (1 < i < N) -- meaning that this problem is appropriate as either problem i or problem i+1 in a round. Given the value of N and the number of problem proposals for each difficulty rating, find the maximum number of rounds that can be created using these problems. Each problem can only be used in at most one round.