Km to Go (kmtogo)

352 teams scored 32500 points on this task, for a maximum score of 100, an average score of 92 and a median score of 100.


  1. LS Scorza, Cosenza is the institute with the most points (815).
  2. Lombardia is the region with the most points (5130).


Karcsi is organizing a running race of N kilometers and wants to print large numeric signs on A4 sheets to indicate the remaining distance at each kilometer mark. The signs display the numbers from N to 1, showing the number of kilometers left to the finish line. Each sheet contains exactly one digit, meaning that multi-digit numbers are split across multiple sheets. Karcsi wants to know how many copies of each digit he must print for the race. Write a program to calculate how often each digit (0, 1, …, 9) appears amongst the numbers N, N-1, …, 2, 1.