The Floor is Lava (lava)

141 teams scored 1630 points on this task, for a maximum score of 100, an average score of 12 and a median score of 5.


  1. Guglielmo Marconi, Verona is the institute with the most points (105).
  2. Lombardia is the region with the most points (315).


Whenever William steps on a floor made with tiles, he plays the "Hot Lava" game. In this game the floor is lava, that is, some of the tiles are to be absolutely avoided. This particular floor is a H × W grid made of tiles. Some of those tiles are red, the remaining ones are white. William wants to get from tile (0, 0) to tile (H-1, W-1) using only white tiles, as quickly as possible. He can move diagonally from one tile to an adjacent one (by vertex). Moreover, he can move vertically or horizontally from one tile to one that is adjacent by edge, or to the next tile in the same direction, by doing a long jump. Help William compute the quickest route, as the number of jumps (short or long jumps) needed.