Decimal Fractions (fraction)

79 teams scored 2350 points on this task, for a maximum score of 80, an average score of 30 and a median score of 40.


  1. Pietro Paleocapa, Bergamo is the institute with the most points (165).
  2. Lombardia is the region with the most points (605).


Archimedes has just discovered a new concept: the fraction, where an integer number (numerator) is divided by another integer number (denominator). In particular, he is now focusing on the simplest kind of fractions, called unit fraction, where the numerator is exactly 1. Until now, Archimedes managed to compute the decimal representation of all the unit fractions with denominator up to ten, and noticed that some of them contain a recurring cycle of digits. Where 0.1(6) means 0.166666…, and has a 1-digit recurring cycle. Archimedes is particularly excited by long recurring cycles, like the one of 1/7 which is 6 digits long, and would like to discover an even longer one with denominator up to N; but is getting tired of computing all those decimals. Help Archimedes in his quest, by finding the largest number d < N such that 1/d contains the longest possible recurring cycle in its decimal fraction part!