Project groups (projectgroup)

6 teams scored 176 points on this task, for a maximum score of 84, an average score of 29 and a median score of 16.


  1. I.S. Fermi MN, Mantova is the institute with the most points (84).
  2. Lombardia is the region with the most points (84).


Group projects are perhaps one of the most hated things in the academic world. Luca carefully studied the psychology behind this issue, and he believes he found the root cause: students hate group projects because they are forced to work with someone they don't really get along with. Wouldn't it be great if everyone could be in a group only made by friends? Creating such groups manually is quite a challenging task: help Luca by writing a program that will serve this purpose for the next academic projects! There are N students and M friendship relations between two students (friendship is symmetric). Try to form as many groups of three students as you can, respecting their friendship relations.